Which telephone operator to choose?
We could define it as the question of
the years after 2000 The questions that usually arise before changing the operator
are always
the same. Where can
I save? Will I have good coverage? Then you jump first from one to the other to do
their rating, but a problem arises. Everyone says they are the best, promising best coverage, the
best price and great service. So?
... the problem is not solved. You pass on to your friends, looking
at what use
and asking how they are found. The answer which one
is ??? Everyone says that the operator they are using ... is the best. And so often the
choices are made based on the evaluations made by the people referred you trust us more. If we can give you some advice, we would tell you to inquire in the stores, but be careful, not the
mono brand ones, but those that have more suppliers, because they are the only ones who do not need to lie to give a service If you walk into a shop Tim ... you
definitely cannot
expect the seller to tell you that they are expensive and that the lines are not of good quality. (if he says he loses the probable customer) Good calls M.Mangerini
the best